CEO of Zurich Insurance plc Neil Freshwater delivered the Junior Achievement, ’Finance Your Future’ programme to the Transition Year students of Caritas College. Over five weeks, students learned about the important role education plays in their future. By participating in hands-on activities, they explored earning potential, how to balance personal budgets and how to plan for their future.

For the final session of the programme, students were invited to the Zurich Office in the IFSC, Dublin. Company visits act as an essential part of student development and a valuable opportunity for students to interact with industry experts. CEO of Zurich Insurance plc, Neil Freshwater shared his experience, wisdom and learnings with the group. These interactions help students build leadership qualities, learn about the financial sector and explore rewarding opportunities within the field. Next on the agenda, students heard from a diverse range of professionals such as Chief Operating Officer, Head of Operations, Head of Outsourcing, Chief Claims Officer, and Executive Assistant. Thanks to Neville Dunne, Fiona Sage, Asha Barry, Ciaran Fitzpatrick and Ruth Kelly who shared their story. Volunteers were very generous with their time and shared details from their personal lives that influenced their education choices and demonstrated that there are many ways to achieve success. Company visits provide students with an opportunity to see real workstations and learn about the latest technology that is being used, which can spark interest in the field. One student said:
‘’I’ve learnt how important a pension is and how open the career world is for me in the future and that I have many opportunities in life’’
Company visits are also a day off from the usual routine for all involved! While enhancing students’ skills through experiential learning there is space on the agenda for friendly conversations, bus excitement, interesting talks and presentations, team bonding, selfies and some tasty snacks. Students left with their certificates of achievement, goody bags and broad smiles, hopeful about their own future. Thanks to Zurich Insurance plc for volunteering their time and expertise by opening the doors of their headquarters to the students and exploring financial literacy.
If you would like to get involved in Junior Achievement as an organisation or a school please get in touch at [email protected]
About Junior Achievement Ireland
Junior Achievement Ireland (JAI) works with industry and education partners to inspire young people to realise their potential by valuing their education and developing the skills and attitudes needed to shape their own future.
Junior Achievement Ireland (JAI) utilises the experience of those already in the workforce to help children of all ages to fully understand the important role that education will play in shaping their futures. JA business volunteers are recruited, trained, vetted, equipped and supported to deliver hands-on learning experiences that empower students to make connections between what they learn in school and how it can be applied in the real world.
JAI is part of JA Worldwide, which is nominated for 2022 Nobel Peace Prize. The global organisation reaches out to more than 10 million young people annually. It was established in Ireland in 1996 and since then has built up a strong demand from schools throughout the country and created successful partnerships with over 150 leading organisations.